Black Tourmaline Pyramid, Black Tourmaline Pyramid Crystal, Black Tourmaline Pyramid Vastu, Black Tourmaline Orgone Pyramid, Orgonite Pyramid, Orgonite Vastu Pyramid, Reiki Healing Pyramid, Feng Shui Pyramid, Orgone Pyramid For Healing, கருப்பு டர்மலின் பிரமிடு, கருப்பு டர்மலின் பிரமிட்.

What is a Orgonite Pyramid?

Orgonite Pyramid is made of a resin composite that has a mix of metal shavings, Quartz crystal, and Copper spiral, semi-precious stones stacked and layered in a beautiful pattern to balance out the life energy (Prana, Chi, Orgone or Life Force). Orgonite Pyramid’s are known for its ability to convert negative energy to positive energy helping balance the spiritual, physical body and emotions as well.

The resin composite shrinks during the curing process which permanently squeezes the quartz crystal creating a piezoelectric effect inside the crystal. The organic materials inside the Orgonite Pyramid absorbs the vital organic energy, while the non-organic components disperse it back in all directions, such movement of the orgone energy back and forth acts as a cleansing agent to clean the stagnant, negative energies.

Orgonite Pyramid is also known as Orgone Generators/Orgone Pyramid, Pyramids in general have been a great source of energy, Orgonite Pyramids have the ability to remove the negative energy, remove blockage, clean the energies and protect the individuals from the EMF radiation. Wherever you place this Orgonite Pyramid they keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive. It is a great centerpiece for a business or home environment, especially in your work place, living room, bed room, and kitchen or in your vehicle. These Pyramids can be placed anywhere you want to clear ambient energy.

Black Tourmaline Pyramid | Black Tourmaline Orgone Pyramid:

This Black Tourmaline Pyramid combines the all the benefits of an Orgonite Pyramid along with the benefits of Black Tourmaline. Black Tourmaline is seen as a symbol of strength. Its used for creating a shield of protection from unwanted negative energies. Black Tourmaline helps to release tension and negative thoughts. Also aides in balancing all the chakras.

Width : 3 Inches, Height : 2 Inches, Weight : 150g

Benefits of Black Tourmaline Orgone Pyramid :

  • Attracts money, good health and prosperity.
  • Spiritual protection and to ward off the evil eye.
  • Enhances energy levels and removes stress and anxiety.
  • Protect from EMF radiation from electric and electronic devices.
  • Purifies the living area and aids in deeper meditation.
  • Fight insomnia and improve sleep.
  • Improves immunity and resistance.
  • Gives more positive energy and balances moods.
  • Helps with spiritual and psychological growth.
  • Helps in Vastu Correction.
  • Can be used as a Feng Shui Orgonite Pyramid or Vastu Pyramid.
  • Water resistance, durable, and easy to clean.


This Orgonite Pyramid is made by mixing and compressing the metal shavings, Quartz crystal, Copper spiral, semi-precious stones along with the Rudrakshs and compressed in pressure and stacked and layered inside the resin composite, hence there shall be few gaps and cracks visible in all materials used inside, which is quiet natural and common in all Orgonite Pyramids and it’s not a defect.

Weight 270 g


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